Our Philosophy

Wee Care centres are a place where children are nurtured, given guidance to enjoy themselves and learn new skills in a relaxed, compassionate, encouraging atmosphere. We are here for your children's health and well being. Please respect that by entering the centre with a smile, leaving adult issues outside, taking time to occasionally connect and thank your caregiver, bringing concerns forward immediately in an appropriate forum (time and place), sharing information pertinent to your child's care (respect boundaries). The staff members are busy with a lot of children and most times only have a short moment to connect and tell you about your child's day. Often there are people coming and going all at once, so your patience is appreciated. To make transitions at the end of the day easier, if you are in a hurry when you are picking up your child, may we suggest calling or texting 10 - 15 minutes before you arrive so they can have a chance to complete on anything they may be involved in.

Wee Care Early Childhood Centre Inc welcomes your family. It is the goal of our facility to provide your child with high quality, educational care.

At our centre, your child will have the opportunity to gain practice in cognitive, language, fine motor, large motor, social, emotional and self help skills through ''Developmentally Appropriate Practice'' techniques. These skills will help your child build his/her self-esteem and prepare him/her for future life skills. Each child is treated with respect and love and is offered a positive learning environment.

Wee Care is dedicated to helping each child reach his/her full potential. Your child’s safety and well being are always a priority. The care is personal and individualized to enhance your child’s growth and sense of well-being. Your questions, comments, and input are important so we can work as a team to achieve the very best experiences for your child.

All children are treated with love and respect and provided with the opportunity to engage in a wide variety of activities. Our objective is to provide for your child a safe, clean and caring environment, in which each child will feel that he/she is cared for and valued. Please see registration forms for a PDF copy our parent handbook of policies and procedures.

Thank you